Régiment Association

Quartier Général

Colonel Honoraire Marie-Claude Jarry - Colonel Honoraire

AccueilRégimentCommandement RégimentaireColonel Honoraire
 Colonel Honoraire Marie-Claude Jarry

Colonel Honoraire Marie-Claude Jarry

Marie-Claude Jarry was raised on the south shore of Montréal, Québec, Canada.

After receiving a Bachelor in Political Science and a Bachelor in Law both from the Université de Montréal, Ms. Jarry was admitted to the Bar in 1992 and was immediately engaged by the Montreal law firm of Dunton Rainville following her internship, where she subsequently became a partner in 2001. From 2009 to 2013 she served as Quebec General Counsel in one of the five largest banks in Canada, and in January 2014 returned as partner at Dunton Rainville where she remains.

Honorary Colonel Jarry is also now a member of the Canadian Forces Liaison Council which brings together business leaders and educational institutions as an aide so that they may better understand and support reservists when called upon for fulfill military duties. Reservists may be called upon to intervene in times of catastrophic domestic events or in support of foreign operations. The time to train, properly prepare, and deploy are greatly assisted through the ongoing efforts of this Council.

It is Honorary Colonel Jarry’s goal to make known the roles, responsibilities and reality of the reservists, and intends to mobilize the legal community to assist in the furtherance of this objective. We must not only encourage the hiring of reservists within our legal community but must provide the appropriate support for this to succeed.

As Honorary Colonel, HCol Jarry is as well entrusted with the protection of the traditions of The Royal Canadian Hussars Montreal and to re-acquaint us with the history and purpose of this Regiment, a history which spans 200 years.

For many years, Honorary Colonel Jarry chaired and sat on several boards of directors, including that of the Health and Social Services Centres (CSSS) of Dorval Lachine LaSalle and the Régie des installations olympiques, to name just a few. Her contributions to these organizations were recognized and highly appreciated. Honorary Colonel Jarry was also vice-chair of the board of directors of the Foundation Mélio in support of the Marie Enfant Rehabilitation Centre of CHU Sainte-Justine. Honorary Colonel Jarry currently sits on the board of directors of the Foster Foundation, the Théâtre Lac Brome and the Montreal Cavalry Institute. Honorary Colonel Jarry is an experienced rider and is the Honorary Secretary of the Montreal Hunt Club, founded in 1826.

She has been married to Paul André Martel, also a lawyer, since 1997.






4185, Côte-des-neiges
Montréal, Qc, H3H-1X2

(514) 496-2024 Obtenir l'itinéraire