Regiment Association


Regimental Sergeant-Majors

HomeRegimentHistoryRegimental Sergeant-Majors

The Royal Canadian Hussars (Montreal)

WO1 Owen A. MacCabe1958 - 1961
WO1 Walter R. Pollitt1961 - 1969
CWO Thomas W. Maitland1969 - 1972
CWO Philip George Anley1972 - 1974
CWO Gérard Léveillé1974 - 1977
CWO Bernard J.A. Ciarroni1977 - 1980
CWO Philip George Anley1980 - 1982
CWO Clarence Layne, Jr.1982 - 1984
CWO Donald Savage1984 - 1987
CWO Steven Nagy1987 - 1992
CWO Glen Lancaster1992 - 1993
CWO Donald Greene1993 - 1999
CWO David Edwards1999 - 2004
CWO Mario Chevalier2004 - 2008
CWO J.R. Denis Lessard2008 - 2010
CWO Philippe Chevalier2010 - 2015
CWO Mario Vivier2015 - 2016
CWO Charles O'Donnell2016 - 2020
CWO Donovan O'Halloran2020 - 2024
CWO Alexander Cyr2024 -          

6th Duke of Connaught’s Royal Canadian Hussars and predecessors

6th Duke of Connaught’s Royal Canadian Hussars (Armoured Car)

WO1 F.B. Bleakney1936 - 1940

6th Duke of Connaught’s Royal Canadian Hussars (NPAM)

WO1 F.B. Bleakney1937 - 1940
WO1 A.C. White1940 - 1941

Headquarters Squadron, 5th Canadian Armoured Division (6th Hussars)

WO1 Roderick Grant MacGillivray1941 - 1945

15th (Reserve) Armoured Regiment (6th Hussars)

WO1 J.A. Ireland1941 - 1943

6th Duke of Connaught’s Royal Canadian Hussars

WO1 Roderick Grant MacGillivray1946 - 1947
WO1 Jack R. Wilson1947 - 1950
WO1 Jack E. Webster1950 - 1955
WO1 Howard D. Fellows1955 - 1958

1st Motor Machine Gun Brigade, CMGC

WO1 Jordon Ray Slade1919 - 1926
WO1 G.T. Sweeney1926 - 1930
WO1 Jordon Ray Slade1930 - 1931
WO1 William Ewart Perrett1931 - 1933
WO1 Jordon Ray Slade1933 - 1936

17th Duke of York's Royal Canadian Hussars and predecessors

Duke of York’s Royal Canadian Hussars/17th Hussars

Sgt-Maj William A.C. Lilley           - 1897
Sgt-Maj Willard Blake Converse1897 - 1899
Sgt-Maj S.M. Jost1902 - 1904
Sgt-Maj William Frederick Vittie1905 - 1906
WO1 P.P. Littlewood1907 -          

17th Duke of York’s Royal Canadian Hussars (1907-1940)

WO1 William Warren Allmand          - 1915
WO1 William Warren Allmand1920 - 1923
WO1 Ruthven Awde Moore1923 - 1928
WO1 Clarence Fisher Smith1928 - 1929
WO1 Forrest1929 - 1930
WO1 A. Gill1930 - 1932
WO1 J. Snape1932 - 1933
WO1 H.W. Hornsby1933 - 1936
WO1 A. Gill1936 - 1940

17th Duke of York’s Royal Canadian Hussars (NPAM)

WO1 R.K. Scott1940 - 1941

7th Reconnaissance Regiment (17th Hussars)

WO1 A.E. Knights1942 - 1945

7th (Reserve) Reconnaissance Regiment (17th Hussars)

WO1 H.W. Hornsby1941 - 1944
WO1 G.C. Milnes1944 - 1946

2nd 7th Reconnaissance Regiment (17th Hussars)

WO1 Charles Lester Smith1945 - 1946

17th Duke of York’s Royal Canadian Hussars (1946-1958)

WO1 William George Travers1946 - 1947
WO1 Francis Leslie Lloyd1947 - 1948
WO1 J.A.B. Yule1948 - 1952
WO1 Alfred Edward Feltus1952 - 1957
WO1 Owen A. MacCabe1957 - 1958



4185, Côte-des-neiges
Montréal, Qc, H3H-1X2

(514) 496-2024 Get directions